Provide an organizational profile that includes information about the organization’s mission, vision, culture, and strategy. This information, aside from the mission, should be explained in your own words.

2. Explain the organization’s industry, provide information about its competitors, and provide details about how the organization can differentiate itself from other organizations within the industry.

3. Compare your organization to any one of the organizations in the article “Building talent: The very best of 2017,” found in the required readings. The comparison that you provide should provide details regarding how your organization differs in terms of talent recruitment, selection, and retention, as well as how your organization measures up in terms of training and development opportunities.

4. Identify how your organization assesses employee performance and explore the strengths and weaknesses of your selected organization’s performance management system.

5. Explain how your organization can utilize the principles outlined in the book entitled The carrot principle: How the best managers use recognition to engage their people, retain talent, and accelerate performance to ensure a strong workplace environment.


· Write a 10-12-page paper

· Your paper must be properly cited and formatted APA

· Include a formal references page. This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.

· You must support your analysis with at least TEN scholarly references.

You are the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) at your organization. As the CHRO, one of your primary roles is to be the workforce strategist. Your organization is planning to expand business operations to your neighboring state by opening an office. As a result of this expansion, your organization needs to make sure that the best and brightest employees are recruited to fill key roles at the new office. Write a 4-6 page research paper using APA style outlining the steps involved in recruiting the staff at the new office.
Discuss the following in your recruiting plan:

  1. Will initial recruiting be outsourced?
  2. What types of media will be used for recruiting?
  3. What types of positions are needed?
  4. What is the timeline for completing the recruiting      process?
  5. What stakeholders need to be involved in developing the      recruiting plan?
  6. What types of costs will be involved in recruiting the      new employees?

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Our essay writers are graduates with diplomas, bachelor's, masters, Ph.D., and doctorate degrees in various subjects. The minimum requirement to be an essay writer with our essay writing service is to have a college diploma. When assigning your order, we match the paper subject with the area of specialization of the writer.

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