Please read the materials document for full instructions.

This is a group assessment, an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for New Zealand company 2Degrees, specifically the Mobile [phone] Division. My sections are the following:


Firstly, a very brief bullet pointed internal Campaign Briefing document (in lieu of a real client brief).

The Campaign Brief should highlight the organisation, its context and objectives, target consumers, collaborators, and the marketing objectives that you are tasked with producing a campaign for.

Secondly, the below section should be written in Essay/Report format. THE MAJORITY (80%) OF THE WRITING SHOULD BE IN THIS SECTION.



This section should include the following:

  • Commercial objective
  • Marketing objective(s) and potential effects e.g. increase penetration with the target audience by X% within Y period of time, make a brand more extendable.
  • Behavioural/Communication objective(s) for the IMC campaign e.g. increase awareness by X% within Y period of time (note this implies taking a baseline measure of awareness first).
  •  What was the specific role for communications? What was the problem that communications could solve?





The IMC Plan is built from sub-tasks you will complete as a group – the structure of these sub-tasks may be derived from applying the worksheets and case materials used in workshops. Apply these learnings to the client situation, alongside the concepts and theories presented in lectures and textbook.

Your IMC Plan should follow the outlined structure on the next pages, to improve readability and ‘selling in’ of the IMC campaign logic to the client.

The objective is to deliver an integrated campaign that, if implemented, will result in positive outcomes for your target audience.


Some writing hints


  •     Make it clear interesting and fun to read
  •     Break the discussion/argument into clear sections with headings e.g. sections, tables, charts.
  •     Think of the foundations of your argument – validate your thinking. Anticipate and deal with likely objections and criticism to your proposed plan. Provide a background concepts/theory or consumer research that suggests why your proposal is the strategically effective and appropriate way to communicate with the target audience(s).
  •     Applying theory or frameworks requires more than simply naming it in a sentence. Grades are awarded understanding the nature of a theory/concept/ framework, defining it, and explaining why it is relevant to the present context of the client situation.
  •     Allow time for several rounds of editing and refinement of the plan. It needs to be crisp! 
  •     You can attach more detailed information as appendices. e.g. figures, footnotes, segmentation charts, research summaries. NB: Appendices are not included in word count.
  •     Appoint someone in your agency team to act as editor, to overview the write up so that all parts are completed (in appropriate order) and integrated i.e. each section informs the other sections, addresses the fundamental objectives, and has ‘one voice’.


The Task

1) Explore the website of your organisation thoroughly.

2) Choose ONE division or section of your company: Mobile DIVISION

3) Write a Campaign Brief as if you were working with the client to define the objective (this will inform part of the Introduction section of your IMC Plan). Only briefly and in bullet points please

4) Develop your IMC Plan.

5) Be bold, be creative, and have fun with this.


  •     Maximum hypothetical production and media spend budget for the total campaign is $200,000 NZD. (You don’t have to spend it all! Equally, sponsorship or other activities might increase your available funds as part of the campaign itself).
  •     Think carefully about the timing and impact of the campaign: is it one big hit, or carried throughout the financial year.
  •     The Nationwide campaign is to run in the 2021 financial year (January – December 2021).
  •     Think carefully about the best impact: Nationwide objectives may be achieved through a number of means, from highly specific to mass targeting.



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