Yale University Press

Chapter Title: Democracy Goes into Reverse

Book Title: Democracy in Retreat Book Subtitle: The Revolt of the Middle Class and the Worldwide Decline of Representative Government Book Author(s): Joshua Kurlantzick Published by: Yale University Press. (2013) Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt32bh31.4

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During april, the hottest month of the year in Thailand, all activity in Bangkok slows to a molasses pace. With temperatures rising to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, many residents leave town, head- ing north or to the islands east and south of the city, and the slow- moving

fl ow of traffi c releases a cloud of smog into the steaming air. In mid- April,

the entire country shuts down for a week for the Thai New Year, leaving the

few people still in the capital marveling at their sudden ability to drive across

the city in minutes rather than hours.

But in the spring of 2010, Bangkok was anything but quiet. Tens of thou-

sands of red shirted protesters descended upon the city to protest against the

government, which they viewed as illegitimate and unsympathetic to the

working class, and to call for a new election. They mostly hailed from poorer

villages in the rural northeast, or from working class suburbs of Bangkok.

At fi rst, the protests seemed like a village street party. Demonstrators snacked

on sticky rice and grilled chicken, and danced in circles to bands playing

mor lam, a northeastern Thai music that, with its wailing guitars and plain-

tive, yodeling vocals, resembles an Asian version of Hank Williams. Amid a

rollicking, almost joyous atmosphere, over 100,000 red shirts soon gathered

around a makeshift stage in central Bangkok to demand the resignation of

the government.

Within weeks, however, the demonstrations turned violent, leading to

the worst bloodshed in Bangkok in two de cades. On April 10, some dem-

onstrators fi red on police and launched grenades at the security forces. The

troops cracked down hard, sometimes shooting randomly into the crowds.1

By the end of the day, twenty- four people had been killed.

Democracy Goes into Reverse 1

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