Read Concordia M.Ed. Online Library: Find Primary Research Articles (Concordia University, n.d.) for additional information on how to find primary research articles. Also, view Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students (Smith, Duckett, Bankston, Classen, Orphanides, & Baker, n.d.) for helpful instruction in writing a literature review and synthesis paper. Additional support can be found in chapters 8 and 9 of Who Says? The Writer’s Research (Holdstein & Aquiline, 2016) which provides support with writing and citing research.

Based on the literature you have reviewed, come up with one “big idea” to help answer your research question. Sample research questions and big ideas are given below. Locate 2-3 primary source research articles related to your big idea. A primary research article is an article written by the researchers who describe their own study. (An unpublished dissertation does not count as primary research for your M.Ed courses at CU.) Read your 2-3 articles and gather information about your big idea. Do not simply list the information, but rather begin to synthesize the information to use for your final literature review assignment. Synthesis and focusing on the key details here is critical.

Write a synthesis paper, using your big idea as a theme to answer your research question, with the literature as supporting evidence for that theme. Consider these questions as you write.

  • What ideas/ findings of the study help answer your research question and support your big idea?
  • How is the study important to helping you answer your research question?
  • How do the study participants compare from study to study?
  • How do the findings of each study compare and contrast with each other?
  • What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of these studies?

Action Research Question for this assignment

  • Question: what strategies can I use to become an effective educator in the classroom?
  • Big Idea:  come up with a big idea relevant to your action reserach question.
  • Sample question is what strategies can a teacher employ to increase parent involvement in students’ early literacy experiences? and the Big Idea would be Communication


Use the template to help you with this assignment. Please note: This assignment is designed to be a smaller start on the larger work you will submit in Saturday’s literature review assignment. The time and effort put into this paper will give you a solid start on your literature review draft. The templates for these two assignments are very similar so that you can use one to build to the next.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.



Concordia University. (n.d.). Concordia M.Ed. online library: Find primary research articles. Retrieved from

Smith, E., Duckett, K., Bankston, S., Classen, J., Orphanides, A., & Baker, S. (n.d.). Literature reviews: An overview for graduate students. Retrieved from

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