When it comes to professional presentations I would say my strength is that I am a good communicator and my weakness is that I am petrified of presenting in front of a crowd. “Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; it involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver” (The Performance Juxtaposition Site, 2015). While I feel this is a strength of mine, presenting an idea such as my EBP project in front of managers and leaders is something I have never done before so improvements can always be made. By ensuring I am actively listening to questions or concerns brought up by the audience I can improve my communication during a presentation.

Stage fright is something I have always struggled with and thankfully as a nurse I don’t have to speak in front of too many crowds. Ways to overcome stage fright include: practicing the presentation, having confidence in the message or topic, visualizing the outcome, focusing on getting through the first 5 minutes, double checking components such as equipment and notes, and breathing (Maina, 2015). Utilizing these tips can improve the entire presentation and lead to positive outcomes. Presenting in a formal setting, such as for managers and leaders of a health care facility, is an important way to provide the necessary information and facts needed to have projects approved. Having a well-organized presentation with a confident speaker can help others understand the importance of the project and ultimately give the needed approval.


Maina, A. (2015). 16 ways to overcome stage fright when speaking in public. Retrieved from Small business trends:


The Performance Juxtaposition Site. (2015). Communication and leadership. Retrieved from The performance juxtaposition site: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/index.html

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